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Name Details:
Named By: Ripley P. Bullen
Named For: Union County, Florida
Date Identified: 1975
Type Site:
Union Side Notch
Cluster: Dalton Cluster
Commonly Utilized Material:
Cultural Period:
10,000 -8,000 B.P.
Transitional Paleo to
Early Archaic
Early Holocene
Glacial Period:
Outline is Representative of Common Size and Shape:
Description of Physical Characteristics and Flaking Pattern:
This is a thick medium to
large (2 to 3 inches) lanceolate point with a flattened to elliptical cross section. The blade is broad and primarily excurvate. The blade may vary
from having an excurvate shape from tip to shoulder, or may curve in at the tip and have almost parallel, or slightly curving in edges. Edges are commonly ground and
beveled. Parallel notches are shallow and form shoulders that are weak to absent and are at an upward angle when present.
The notches are most commonly formed by grinding rather than
flaking. The stem is expanding with a concave base. Basal ears or auricles are at a downward angle. Basal thinning is absent on
this point and the hafting region has grinding. This point has a random flaking pattern.
Size Measurements: Total Length -
40 to 80 mm, Blade Width - 20 to 45 mm, Basal Width -
typically 3 to 5 mm wider than the blade, Thickness - 5 to 10
Distribution Comments:
This point is primarily found in northern Florida and may be found into central Florida, southern Georgia, and southeastern Alabama.

Related / Associated Points:
Additional Comments:
Powell (1990) suggest that this point represent the transition between the older Suwannee point and the newer Greenbrier point.
This point is distinguishable from the Suwannee type by the lack of any basal thinning and the beveled edge that are seen on this type (Farr, 2006).
Other points in this Cluster:
Beaver Lake, Dalton, Dalton Breckenridge, Dalton Colbert, Dalton Greenbrier, Dalton Hemphill, Dalton
Hempstead, Dalton Nuckolls, Dalton Sloan, Hi-Lo, Quad, Russell Cave
Point Validity: Valid Type
Bullen was a distinguished
anthropologist and Curator Emeritus of the Florida Museum of Natural History. He was dedicated to identifying and typing projectile points from Florida. This point was named in a professional publication and is professionally a widely recognized type. This is a valid type.
Age Details:
References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):
23, 30, 58, 59, 167, W18
Union Side Notch Projectile Point, Union Side Notch Arrowhead