Outline is Representative of Size and Shape: 
Name Details:
Identified By: William D. Strong, Richard Forbis, and Maurice E. Kirby
Named For:
Date Identified: 1965
Type Site: Signal Butte, Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska
Point Validity:
Valid type
This type was named in a professional publication and has many professional references. This is considered a valid type.
Description of Physical Characteristics and Flaking Pattern:
This is a thin medium triangular point with an thin elliptical to a median ridge cross section. The blade is broad and may range from excurvate to straight in shape. This point has deep parallel notches that enter higher on the blade forming a large basal area. The shoulders are horizontal with an expanded stem. The blade edge of the ears may be straight or tapering inward. The base may vary from concaved to notched with many examples having both a concave base with a basal notch. Most examples have sharp basal ears. The flaking pattern may be collateral or random.
Size Measurements:
Total Length - 30 to 66 mm (average 40 to 50 mm), Stem Length (to blade / shoulder junction), 13 to 23 mm, Blade Width - 17 to 30 mm, Neck Width - 12 to 18 mm, Notch Depth - 3 to 5 mm, Stem Width - 17 to 30 mm, Basal Concavity - 3 to 87 mm
Commonly Utilized Material:
Local cherts
Additional Comments:
This complex has five main points (two variant) associated with it. The McKean point, Duncan Point, Southsider (variant), Hanna Point, Hanna Northern (variant), Mallory, and the Yonkee point.
This point is similar to the Northern Side Notch, except the notch is higher on the blade creating a larger hafting area.
* Southsider Var. represents continuum between the McKean and Duncan point. This type is commonly typed as a McKean or Duncan depending on the degree of lateral edge restriction. Also called Shouldered McKean.
** The Duncan point is also referred to as Shouldered McKean
Distribution Comments:
This point is a plains point that is primarily found on the Northern Plains. It is found most commonly in Canada, it has been found into Idaho, Utah, Colorado, and Nebraska. It is rarely found on the Colorado Plateau, and is not found in the Great Basin.
Age / Periods:
Date: 4,500 -3,500 B.P.
Cultural Period: Middle Archaic
Glacial Period: Neoglacial
Environmental: Sub-Boreal
Age Details:
Similar Points:
Avonlea Gulf Lake,
Cut Bank,
Emigrant, Irvine,
Logan Creek,
Northern Side Notch,
San Rafael