Outline is Representative of Size and Shape:
Name Details:
Identified By: Thomas M. N. Lewis
Named For: Associated culture - Hamilton County, Tennessee where they were first identified
Date Identified: 1955
Type Site:
Point Validity:
Valid type
Lewis was a prominent anthropologist and professor at the University of Tennessee. He was instrumental in the formation of the Tennessee Archaeological Society and Tennessee Archaeologist journal where he served as editor. This type was named in a professional publication and has professional references. This is considered a valid type.
Description of Physical Characteristics and Flaking Pattern:
This is a thin small (.75 to 1.5 inches) triangular point with a flattened cross section. The blade is primarily straight and forms an isosceles triangle (half as wide as the height). The blade is rarely serrated. The base may range from slightly concaved to deeply concave and may have basal thinning. This point is made using fine pressure flaking forming a random flaking pattern.
Size Measurements:
Total Length- 17 to 45 mm, Width - 12 to 21 mm , Thickness - 3 to 6 mm, Basal Concavity - 1 to 4 mm
Commonly Utilized Material:
Additional Comments:
The Uwharrie point is sometimes called an AKA for the Hamilton Triangle, but the Hamilton Triangle is associated with the Hamilton culture which does not extend into distribution of the Uwharrie point. The Uwharrie point has been identified separately due to cultural boundaries. John Whatley referred to this points as Woodland Triangular due to the cultural difference between the points found in the Gulf Coastal region and the Tennessee River Valley.
These points are known for their delicate and symmetrical characteristics. (Justice, 1987).
The Hamilton Culture is noted for their dome shaped burial mounds (Kneberg, 1956).
These points can be distinguished from Madison points by the concaved basal edge.
Distribution Comments:
The Hamilton culture and points are primarily associated in the Tennessee River Valley (red). These points continue into the Gulf Coastal region and was referred to as Woodland Triangular by Whatley (yellow)
Age / Periods:
Date: 1,600 - 1,000 B.P.
Cultural Period: Woodland
Glacial Period: Roman to Medieval Warm
Culture: Hamilton, Harmon's Creek Culture
Age Details: