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Name Details:
Named By: Richard Marshall
Named For:
Date Identified: 1958
Type Site: Table Rock Reservoir, Stone County, Missouri
White River
Commonly Utilized Material:
Heat treaded cherts
Cultural Period:
7,000 - 6,000 B.P.
Middle Archaic
Middle Holocene
Glacial Period:
Outline is Representative of Common Size and Shape:
Description of Physical Characteristics and Flaking Pattern:
This is a
medium to large side notched point with an elliptical cross section. The blade may vary from straight to excurvate and commonly a narrow and long blade.
The blade is beveled and rarely has serrations. Broad U-shaped parallel notches form a shoulder that ranges from horizontal to having a slight upward slope. The stem is expanding with a concave base. The basal area is squared and the basal corners may vary from sharp to rounded with basal grinding present. This point
commonly has a random flaking pattern.
Size Measurements: Total Length - 50
to 90 mm, Stem Length (to top of notches) - 10 to 15 mm,
Blade Width - 20 to 30 mm, Neck Width - 15 to 22 mm,
Stem Width - 22 to 28 mm (***based on small sample size***)
Distribution Comments:
This point is primarily found in the mid to upper White River basin and into northwestern Arkansas and Southwestern Missouri. This point has been reported into the Wakarusa River (lower Kansas River
Basin), and into northeastern Oklahoma (Lopinot, unknown)

Related / Associated Points:
Additional Comments:
This point is similar to the Graham Cave Point, but differs in that this point has a beveled blade which is usually absent in the Graham Cave point.

Other points in this Cluster:
Point Validity: Valid Type
Marshall identified this point while working on his M.A. Thesis at University of Missouri. He identified e Square Stem point, . Both of which has been identified as a Smith type at various points of re-sharpening. This point was named in his M.A. Thesis and this type does have professional references,
but most they generally are discussing the Smith type.
Age Details:
Marshall (1958) feels that this point is an Early Archaic period point based on points being found in lower levels of Rice Shelter, Jackie Hollow Shelter and Standlee Shelter I. However, due to the
de-stratification and mixed deposits, he place these points as Early to Middle Archaic periods. At the Bull Shoals Reservoir site in Taney County Missouri, these points were found in levels associated with
radio-carbon dates of 6,190 +/- 50 B.P., 6,180 +/- 55 B.P. and 6,100 +/- 50 B.P. Lopinot and Ray (1996) notes that the dates for this point are broader than these dates and places this point as a Middle
Archaic point.
References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):
23, 30
White River Projectile Point, White River Arrowhead