Crab Orchard Banded Chert
AKA: Gray Banded, Jelly Roll, Kentucky Stromatoporoid chert
Description of Physical Characteristics:
Color: Crab Orchard
Chert is a banded gray and white. It has broad alternating bands
of light to dark whites and grays followed by darker grays to almost
Texture: Porcellaneous
Luster: Waxy
Silica Fabrics / Fossils: Occasionally sponge
spicules and fragmentary invertebrates fossil hash
Heat Treatment:
Knapping: Fair to good
Distribution Comments:
Crab Orchard Chert is associated with the Crab Orchard Member of the
Tyrone group. Primarily
found in north central Kentucky centered around Garrard County.
Distribution extends into Frentress County, Tennessee. Has been
reported into southwestern Illinois, Alexander County.

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References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):
Similar Material:
Commonly made projectile point from this material:
Archaeological Context:
It was primarily used during the Early Archaic
period with slight utilization in the Late Archaic and rarely in the Middle
Woodland period.