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Name Details:
Named By:
Named For: Stanly Variant
Date Identified:
Type Site:
Stanly Narrow Stem
(Collector Type)
Commonly Utilized Material:
Cultural Period:
7,800 - 6,000 B.P.
Early to
Middle Archaic
Middle Holocene
Glacial Period:
Outline is Representative of Size and Shape:
Description of Physical Characteristics and Flaking Pattern:
This is a triangular medium stemmed point with an elliptical, rarely flattened, cross section.
The blade is primarily excurvate. The shoulders edge may be straight to being flared out. The shoulder ranges from horizontal to barbed. The stem
may vary from straight to slightly expanding. The base is concaved to bifurcated. This point has a random flaking
Size Measurements: Total Length - 40
to 100 mm, Stem Length - 7 to 11 mm, Blade Width - 18 to
36 mm, Stem Width - 11 to 16 mm, Thickness - 4 to 10 mm
Distribution Comments:
This point is primarily found on the Piedmont of North Carolina and into Virginia and South Carolina.

Additional Comments:
This type generally has a longer narrower blade
than usually seen on Stanly points. The blade on these points are
primarily excurvate and lack the deeper serrations towards the base of the
blade while the Stanly point has a blade that is generally recurvate with
the serrations. These points could represent a Stanly point that has
not been re-sharpened and therefore retains the original shape of the blade,
or has been re-sharpened, but has retained the blade length.
Other points in this Cluster:
Point Validity: Collector Type
This type has many references in collector type references. No professional
references that made a distinction between the Stanly type and this type were located. This may be the same type as described by Robert Wall he named Stanly / Neville, but there have been no additional
references to this type. This is considered a collector type.
Age Details:
References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):
23, 30, 37, W10
Stanly Narrow Stem Projectile Point, Stanly Narrow Stem Arrowhead