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Name Details:
Named By: LeRoy Johnson
Named For: Red River Valley
Date Identified: 1989
Type Site:
Red River Knife
(Cody Complex)
Commonly Utilized Material:
Cultural Period:
9,500 - 8,500 B.P.
Transitional Paleo
Early Holocene
Glacial Period:
Outline is Representative of Size and Shape:
Description of Physical Characteristics and Flaking Pattern:
This is a medium stemmed knife with an elliptical cross section. The blade is asymmetrical and may vary from slightly excurvate to incurvate. These knives are uni-facially re-sharpened and beveled. This forms one blade that is longer and oblique compared to the other blade. This blade may be incurvate. The
shoulders are weak to absent and may range from horizontal to having an upward angle. Some examples may have a single shoulder on one blade and the shoulder
missing on the other blade. The stem may range from straight to slightly expanding with a straight base. This knife may
range from a horizontal to a parallel oblique flaking patter. Some examples may have a random flaking pattern.
Distribution Comments:
This point is primarily found in the Red River Valley of Texas, Oklahoma and into Arkansas and Louisiana. This point may be found in other highlighted areas with decreased

Additional Comments:
This may represent a local variant of, (or the same as) the Cody Knife.
Other points in this Cluster:
Point Validity: Valid Type
Johnson was a distinguished
anthropologist who got his start in Texas before moving to become a professor at the University of Ohio and the University of Oregon. He named this type in a professional
publication and this type has many professional references. This is considered a valid type.
Age Details:
References: (See Reference Page, Entry Number):
8, 23, 30
Red River Projectile Point, Red River Arrowhead, Red River Knife